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Showing posts with label Mosfet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mosfet. Show all posts

March 19, 2022

How to Drive MOSFET with ARDUINO

This is example how to drive Mosfet using arduino, port to drive is port 9 as PWM can send data from 0 to 255 as analog voltage from 0 to 5V.
Video example at :


This example shows how to fade an LED using the analogWrite() function.
The circuit:
- GATE MOSFET attached from digital pin 9 to  through 100 ohm resistor.
created 1 Nov 2008
by David A. Mellis
modified 30 Aug 2011
by Tom Igoe
This example code is in the public domain.

int ledPin = 9; // LED connected to digital pin 9
void setup() {
// nothing happens in setup

void loop() {
// fade in from min to max in increments of 5 points:
for (int fadeValue = 0 ; fadeValue <= 255; fadeValue += 5) {
// sets the value (range from 0 to 255):
analogWrite(ledPin, fadeValue);
// wait for 30 milliseconds to see the dimming effect

// fade out from max to min in increments of 5 points:
for (int fadeValue = 255 ; fadeValue >= 0; fadeValue -= 5) {
// sets the value (range from 0 to 255):
analogWrite(ledPin, fadeValue);
// wait for 30 milliseconds to see the dimming effect